About Us


A legacy can be defined as something that is a result of events in the past. For the Gunners of this chapter it means sharing what we have learned, and what we have built as a Brotherhood.  The names of all past, present, and future members will be contained in our chapter’s history. Their names shall not be erased because they are no longer with us. We shall honor our history and leave behind our legacy as a chapter, and as a club. 

We shall learn from our mistakes. The lessons learned shall be used to ensure the survival of this chapter and the club as a whole. We shall ensure the future generations of Auburn Gunners inherit a chapter built on strength, unity, loyalty, and Brotherhood above all.

The passion for riding fuels our spirit. As men we desire to belong to an entity of like-minded individuals. This passion and desire is why we chose to wear the GLEMC Colors and swore an Oath to be our “Brother’s keeper”. 



(Proverbs 29:18) Where there is no vision, the people perish…

By no stretch does this chapter claim to be religious.  We give thanks and respect to a higher authority than man himself. It is in believing in something more than ourselves that we find Brotherhood. Although the GLEMC is a “motorcycle club” the members of this chapter are bonded together by more than just riding motorcycles. We share a belief in the freedom of the open road that transcends generations. 

The members who make up the GLEMC Auburn chapter are men of honor and courage that place the needs of others before their own. Keeping this in mind we acknowledge the needs of the club and the chapter over our own. Our loyalty shall be to the club as a whole over an individual.

Each member (regardless if they hold an “officer” position or not) is challenged to make the GLEMC Auburn chapter a better chapter than it was when they first patched in. Each member must bring vision for the betterment of the chapter and the GLEMC.

  • A vision for the club will bring FOCUS
  • A vision for the club will bring ENDURANCE
  • A vision for the club will bring GROWTH
  • A vision for the club will bring FULFILLMENT

If we as members fail to have a vision for the club then we shall begin to lose focus of what the club strands for and why we joined in the first place. lack of vision shall eventually cause members to lose the endurance that fuels the desire to fly the Colors, bond with Brothers, belong to the Club and withstand adversity. Our individual and collective vision shall bring about growth for the club not only in membership, but most importantly as a Brotherhood of like-minded men.

Vision enables us to maintain and achieve both short and long term goals. Accomplishing individual chapter goals shall bring the feeling of fulfillment. We shall grow from experience and wisdom putting membership quality above membership quantity. Our collective vision shall ensure the Auburn chapter not only survives into the distant future, but also continues to set an example to the rest of the GLEMC emulate.